I Lisez l’alphabet
Extrait E. Desfosses, Les clés du français 1 Bases phonétiques 法語發音入門, 2009, Caves
II French pronunciation basic rules 法語發音通則
It’s very important to know how to divide a word into syllables ( just like in English) because it
helps you pronounce and spell the word correctly.要讀法文先需要懂得區分音節.
1. 先辨別何謂子音/母音 distinction between vowel and consonant
Voyelles (vowel) : 11 + Nasales (nasal) : 4
Consonnes (consonant): 17
Semi-voyelle (semivowel) : 3
2. 何謂音節(syllabe) ? A syllable must contain a vowel, two syllables contain deux vowels 一
單音節Monosyllabic : only one vowel
V (vowel) : à [a] ; y [i]
C(consonant )V : ma [ma] ; ça [sa]
VC : il [il]
CVC : par [ par] ; fac [fak]
多音節Polysyllabic: more one vowel
CVCV : coco [koko] ; papa [papa] 也可能 CVCVCV : facile [fasilə ]
VCV : ami [ami] ; été [ete]
CVCCV : nappe [napə ] ; tasse [tasə ] when we have double consonant together, two of
the same consonants together, pronounce only one consonant.兩個重複子音放一起,只發一
次音. 但 but : poste [postə ] ; respire [respirə ]…you have to pronounce all.如果不重複子音
L or R : table [tablə ] ; frigo [frigo]
Don’t pronounce the last letter of a French word if it’s a consonant 通常字尾子音不讀:
bi-joux [biȢu] ; loup [lu] ; surtout [syrtu] except 除了 L、R、C、F
For exemple : bal [bal], dur [dyr], sac [sak], vif [vif] ...
Never pronounce the lettre H in French. 法文字母H 於單字中永遠不發音ex: habite [abitə]
III 字母與音標對照表Alphabet et Phonétique : You have to remember the phonetic
transcription and we are going to do more exercices in order to help you remember all.
1. consonne/consonants 子音
字母 音標 範例
p [p] papa [papa] s/ç [s] tasse[tas],ça[sa]
b [b] bac [bak] z [z] Zaza [zaza]
t [t] thé [te] m [m] Mamie[mami]
d [d] dé [de] l [ l ] lac[lak]
c/k/qu [k] coco [koko], qui[ki]
n [n] nono[nono]
g/gu [g] bague [bag] r [r] rat[ra]
f/ph [f ] fac[fak]/ phare[far]
ch [ʃ] Chinois [ʃinwa]
v [v] Victor [viktor] j [Ȣ] je [Ȣə]
gn [ɲ] espagnol[espaɲol]
Ps Normally, in a French word the lettre c in front of a, o, u is pronounced [k], except in front of
i, e is pronounced [s], ex: cacao [kakao] but cinéma [sinema], tracé [trase]
The same case for the lettre g in front of a, o, u is pronounced [g], except in front of i, e is
pronounced [Ȣ] ex: gaga [gaga] but gilet [Ȣile], geler [Ȣəle]